Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Okay, decision made

Thanks to those who chimed in on my last post.

John, no need to start up a collection.

I've decided to not go to BYU's WIFYR (Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers) conference this year. While I'd like to have something ready in time for it, I would need to register now and that costs money I haven't got. What's more, I'm not sure I could have something ready...

Which leads to my next issue.

I do need to be writing fiction regularly in order to get good at it, but it needs to not take away from my day jobs. So I am going to find a time to write every day, for about a half hour.

My first effort will be a chapter book probably, to see if I can do it.

And that is all for now. Off to bed.

Carpe somnium!

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