Friday, October 17, 2008

Stopping by and updating

Well isn't this a fine howdy-do?

Is that the phrase that I'm looking for? Probably not.

Anyway, no word on The Cabin yet. Of course, I only sent in on Tuesday, so today is only three days later. So yeah, I think maybe a couple weeks will tell. Or maybe a couple months.

And the answer could well be a big fat, N-O. But positive thinking... it'll be yes. Or... "write it better and then we'll talk." Or something like that.

Moving on. I saw a book called The Shack in Barnes and Noble. That sounds like the title of my book. I hope that won't be a problem. Of course, I could change the title of mine if the publisher thinks I ought to, but the cabin really is a central theme to the book. We'll see. Counting chickens and all...

So I've had pretty much no time to work on anything else to do with writing in the last month. This is because teaching at the ELC takes all of my regular work time, and dealing with the after effects of the accident. Those after effects (does that need a hyphen? whatever) have included talking to a lawyer, searching for and buying a new (to us) van, and beginning treatment for some whiplash I didn't even know I had, but which is giving me headaches and a daily, 3PM fever. Weird huh?

Gotta change that. But for now, I'm watching old episodes of Chuck online. It's a harmless, fun show. The John Larroquette cameo is just spectacular.

And that's all folks.

Hey! That's my somnium! Back off so I can carpe it. (Very dairy, I know.)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I was just thinking that if feels like FOREVER since you sent your novel off. That coming from a friend, I can't even imagine how YOU feel...

Sorry to hear about the whiplash--weird symptoms. Good luck with everything.