Monday, June 23, 2008

Just stopping by on my way...

... to Mars. I currently have 4212 words in The Mars Betrayal and will shoot for 5500 before I finish this session in about an hour and a half. My goal for the day is to get to 6000.

I am going to write without my internal editor shouting at me but will try to simply tell the story.

Incidentally, Annemarie read Janette Rallison's book: Fame, Glory and Other Things on My To-Do List. She liked it, so I have added it to my reading list, although I need to finish 1776 and a C.S. Lewis book first. 1776 is a great book.

I have to go, but I will report back later on whether I hit my goals. I plan to send in a chapter or two to my editor at the end of this week.

That's all for now.

carpe somnium


Janette Rallison said...

Tell Annemarie she is brilliant! And also tell Willard good luck on saving the world.

JaredNGarrett said...

Thanks Janette! Wait, is Annemarie brilliant because she likes your books? Hmmm...