Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Holy smoke...

I'm 3 for 3.

Okay, so if you've read many of my earlier posts, you will know that I have been writing for a company called ChartedCourse part time to keep some bills at bay. Of late I have been working primarily in my office at their corporate offices, actually doing my fiction writing there as well.

Anyway, I am the National Sales Director's Assistant, in that he and I hit around ideas regarding training and sales development. We're also good friends. I am also now functioning as a sales team leader and am actively recruiting sales people who want to make some good $$ while helping people get their finances figured out.

So today I led the corporate overviews for three prospective recruits to the sales team. All three committed to a second interview. Not bad eh? The reason this is so good is that as I get this team going I can actually get a commission percentage increase, which will be a healthy thing for my bank accounts.

This is supposed to be a writing blog, though, so enough of that. Should I sell my soul a little?


The Mars Betrayal is at 6042 words. I will do a tiny bit now, then some more later. I need to run an errand or two, stop at home, then come back to the office tonight at 6PM for another overview. Of course, this one is with a guy who has scheduled twice before, so I'm winding up for his last strike basically.

If you haven't read How to Win Friends and Influence People, I recommend it.

I am still planning on sending two chapters of The Mars Betrayal to my editor on Friday. The thing is that I would like to have the whole new version done. This may be because I am a masochist and want to have my editor come back again saying it sucks so that I have to do it all over again.

Maybe I ought to work on those first two chapters a little more before sending them... but then my internal editor is being allowed to run amok before the story is done.

What to do?

No clue. I'll think of something.

I've added links to some blogs of new friends. Check them out.

carpe somnium

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