Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday night, all's well.. but...

Today was only semi-productive. I was tired from yet another completely unrestful weekend. Seriously, what am I thinking? Here's a rundown of my Saturday, so that you can admire my ambition.

Or just wonder what the heck is wrong with me. (for all three of you (okay, maybe four) who are reading this)

On Saturday, I woke up just before 7 AM. I then leapt onto my perfectly manly scooter (not all men need to have big Dodge trucks, although most of us crave one) and zipped up to the Y Mountain trailhead. I had invited the Elders Quorum along on my weekly hikes and had high hopes that a few faithful early risers would show up.

The Coles came. That was nice.

So we hiked and talked and stuff and they barely broke a sweat and I seriously don't think either of them even breathed hard. Meanwhile I had to stop regularly and try not to embarrass myself by sucking in breath too loudly.

Got back in time for a great breakfast (thanks Annemarie!) and some giggles with the kids and then I headed to the chapel to clean it. There was a good crew there so that I was able to really finally clean the bathrooms the way they needed to be done.

Got home and edged, weed-whacked and mowed. Then weeded, did a bit of second-stage veggie planting, weeded some more and then made a shopping list. I cook dinner on weekends and I needed some fresh veggies as sidedishes for what I was making. And I needed french bread and hadn't thought to soak some dough the night before.

So I went shopping, picked up groceries and some small trelllises (trelli? trellum? trella?) for our morning glories. Then I got back and stowed the groceries, reinforced the trellises... whatever.. and got them in the unbelievably rocky ground.

Washed up and then made dinner. Helped with kids getting clean and into bed, hand-watered a bit and then we labored through part of Lawrence of Arabia and then crashed.

That was Saturday. I'll stop there. Why did I write that here? I don't know. But I really enjoy my Saturdays, particularly since I can spend so much of my day outside and in dirt, working with my hands.

Anyway, I wrote an article for, a neat website that I've talked about a lot on this blog. I have nearly 900 articles there. Check out: to see them.

I also did some work for ChartedCourse, made a presentation and then fiddled around way too much.

My editor-folks got back to me, but not with comments yet. He said thanks for the installment and asked for a synopsis of the new version of The Mars Betrayal. I should have sent that today, but I will do it tomorrow. I will also get it to over 8000 words tomorrow.

So if you are reading this, and are in my writing group, please e-mail me later tomorrow asking if I hit my goal. Accountability rocks.

You can really tell I am a product of the eighties and nineties sometimes, can't you. Rad huh?

I will write a bestseller. I will be a bestselling author.

carpe somnium

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