Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday, October 26: Big wheels keep on turning

My back is sore from all this sitting!

Let's get this over with so I can get to the juicy stuff. I reached, as any readers know, my goal for submissions to Associated Content. I also finished an initial rewrite of the User Manual for ChartedCourse.

Today I worked hard on revising my Mars Betrayal proposal. I read the publisher's comments several times and then made the changes in my four page synopsis. I find it really hard to spot plot holes in my story lines. However, I am really liking the idea of making an outline and even a detailed synopsis for any book I do. I did this for The Cabin, a book I hope to get to sometime in November.. wait.. more on that later.

I actually think I will go ahead and outline all my stories too. It helps me get the big picture. I believe my best stories have been written from outlines.

So the Mars Betrayal proposal now just needs a new first chapter. This is a book for English learners, so I need to try and keep the language simpler, too. This is challenging, but I think I can convincingly argue with this editorial team that we can't dumb it down too much, because that will hurt the authenticity.

So I did everything I set out to do, except I have not found publishers to send my picture book manuscript to. It is too late to do that today. I will do that first thing on Monday, then I will work on the Mars Betrayal proposal again. Then I will do short stories like mad. I might change that around.. anyway. Let's leave that for next week!

Now for juicy stuff. November is National Novel Writing Month. I will call it NaNoWriMo from now on. I am going to do it this time, and I am going to write The Cabin. I will chronicle my goals and whether I hit them here on this journal. I challenge anybody reading this who feels they have a novel in them to join me this month!

The other tasty item is that a friend of mine who I have known most of my life e-mailed me yesterday saying that her company needs a temporary writer to fill in for a lady going on maternity leave. This would be from January to March. I am interested, but the pay would have to be great, because I would have to commute every day for about an hour each way. So I sent my resume. Hmm.. no stress marks on that word. Oh well!

And if anybody (all three of you...) who is reading this wants to do some site exchange stuff to increase traffic, go ahead and click on the icon to the right of my photo at the top. No charge to you, more of a networking thing is all.

I feel good about this productive week. Next week will be more so, and I will try to find a new seat that will support the back better, because.. woof. When I got up today my rear-end hurt and my back was all tight. So that's all for now.

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